Kumari Bank and USAID Trade and Competitiveness Sign Grant Agreement

Kathmandu, Kumari Bank Limited signed an agreement with USAID Trade and Competitiveness to support MSMEs Financial Literacy Program through USAID’s grant fund.
Under this Grant program, USAID Trade and Competitiveness will support the Bank in its initiatives to enhance finance literacy among MSMEs throughout Nepal. The Bank has set a target to help 10,000 new MSMEs as “Banking/ Credit Ready” entities through this program. The grant agreement was signed by both the parties at registered office of Kumari Bank Limited.
Kumari Bank Limited, for over past two decades has been serving its customers with innovative and effective products and services. The Bank has pioneered in providing modern banking services like Internet Banking and Mobile Banking. Through its network of 302 branches, 49 extension counters, 59 branchless banking units and 314 ATMs across the country. Along with this, the Bank offers latest digital banking services such as Mobile banking, Omni Channel, Foneloan and QR payments. Kumari Bank Limited strives towards meeting the dynamic needs of its customers and providing the best banking facilities in a simpler yet better manner in the days to come.